Getting your invoices from the distributors is an important part of the import process. Without the right data, we can't figure out all of the details about the products you have. We'll help you get the right format of invoice to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Manage Comics supports: CSV Invoices from Diamond, Lunar, and Penguin Random House, as well as XLSX invoices from Universal Distribution.
How to get Diamond Invoices
Log in to your Diamond Retailer account and navigate to “My Account > Invoices”
Then click on “View Recent Invoices”
Diamond names their invoices by the date, so they’re relatively easy to find later.
How to get Lunar Invoices
There are two places to get Invoices from Lunar, either the invoice itself, or the shipping manifest. The shipping invoice is available as soon as your order has been shipped and may be available before your invoice.
To find your shipment invoice, start at Account > Shipments
- Click Account
- Choose "Shipments" in the Account menu.
- On the invoice you need the file for, click the "Select Format" dropdown
- Choose the Manage Comics Shipment CSV file
To get to your Lunar invoices, go to and click on “Account > Invoices”
Download the invoice called “ComicHub CSV”