If you need to make adjustments to the reserved, products, you'll need to have access to those products.  Manage Comics does the administration of reserved products, but you may find that you need to adjust them manually for some reason. 

This brief video will show you the entire process in action.

*NOTE - use of this tool can quickly unsync orders, and it should be used with caution.


Getting to Product Adjustments

Within Manage Comics, you'll find Product Adjustments at Manage Comics > Products > Reserved Product Adjustments.


Getting to know Reserved Products

The navigation on the Reserved Products tab is very similar to the navigation in Order History.

1 - Solicitation month will show you all products from a specific solicitation month, if you are looking for any products with a JUL24 order code, you would select "Jul 2024" here.

2 - Shipped Between - allows you to set a date range with a start and end date.

3 - Publishers - lets you select a specific publisher to narrow results down

4 - Distributors - allows you to specify which distributor you got products from

5 - Search - lets you put in the specific title you are looking for

6 - Title of the product, clicking on this will open the Shopify page for that product (in a new tab).

7 - Reserved - the QTY currently reserved for that product within Shopify

8 - Available - the QTY currently available for that product within Shopify

9 - Price - the price of the product (from Shopify)

10 - Check-In Date - the date the products were first checked in on

11 - Move from Reserved - will move QTY from reserved to active (see below)

12 - Delete from Reserved - will delete QTY from reserved (see below)

13 - Reserved Names - clicking on this number will bring up a window with all of the people who have this item reserved.

Move from Reserved

This allows you to move QTY from reserved to available.  Note, this does not adjust current orders, will not remove items from current orders, and could leave you with orders that have no QTY reserved for them.

  1. Adjust the QTY you want to move from reserved
  2. Click the [+] button and Manage Comics will connect to Shopify and move the required QTY from reserved to available.

Delete from Reserved

This allows you to delete QTY from reserved without moving it to available.  Note, as with Move from Reserved, this will not adjust current orders, will not remove items from current orders, and could leave you with orders that have no QTY reserved for them.

  1. Adjust the QTY you want to delete from reserved
  2. Click the [Trash] button and Manage Comics will connect to Shopify and delete the required QTY from reserved.

Adjusting a Negative QTY

If you end up with a negative QTY in Reserved, you can do a negative move or a negative delte.

Moving a negative QTY from Reserved - will move the QTY FROM available back into Reserved.

Deleting a negative QTY from Reserved - will add a negative QTY without adjusting Available.